Looking for someone to help keep the website up to date. Must be a VFW member. Contact Troy Post at ADJ@vfw7824.org
Next meeting is 8 June 2023 at 1900.
If you need assistance with a claim contact the VSO office at 360-696-4583 or email at Vancouvervso@vfwwa.org
may also stop by at VA, Bldg 15, room 112,1601 E 4th Plain Blvd,
Vancouver, WA 98661 from 8:30 to 3:30pm Monday through Thursday. lunch
from 11:00am-11:30am
Under this website Veterans can file claims, look up DD-214, Find necessary forms to apply for everything related to the VA.
Apply and check on G.I Bill.
This website is for scheduling appointments at the VA, EMAIL Doctors, refill meds. Also allows Veterans to share their medical records with doctors outside the VA.
The VA is moving more and more in the 21st century and more services are online than in person. The VA is targeting the next group of Veterans who were brought up using computers since elementary school.
Please set up and account for both websites so you are in control of your care and benefits.
Passed down from Washington State Quartermaster/Adjutant